• サステナブル・ラボ株式会社


Weekly Update

今週のESGニュース vol.028

A summary of ESG-related news 【16th – 23rd October】

Reported by Ingo Tietböhl(Director of ESG Research and Solutions)


【DCP】 “Record 23,000+ companies disclose environmental impact through CDP, with urgency for action clear in wake of unprecedented global temperatures.”



  • According to CDP, “Companies are reporting their environmental data in record numbers, with over 23,000 companies – including listed companies worth US$67 trillion (over 66% of global market capitalization) – disclosing through CDP in 2023, with a 24% increase in disclosure beginning in 2022.”
  • “Most countries have seen growth in the number of disclosing companies, including a considerable increase in Asia.” “The USA, China and Japan continue to make up the top three disclosing countries.” And while “reporting in three key areas has increased – on climate change, water security and deforestation – only 1% of companies reported on all three areas,” highlighting the need for improved nature-related disclosure.
  • New Chief Executive Officer Sherry Madera emphasizes the importance of sustainability data for long-term business success. She said, “we have the expertise to prepare organizations – large and small – to meet the needs of their stakeholders. This is why in 2024, we will be making it easier and quicker to disclose and access data, through a new framework on a new and enhanced technology platform.”


【European Parliament】 MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the Commission delegated regulation of 31 July 2023 supplementing Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards sustainability reporting standards.
The European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) is rejected and simplification is required.



  • The European Parliament notes that sustainability reporting standards “introduces a high administrative burden for companies due to the high complexity,” and “fall short of usable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and thus do not serve the Commission’s goal of creating measurable and comparable standards, especially across companies, which add value to data providers and data users managing the twin transition;”
  • Also The European Parliament “calls on the Commission to submit a new delegated act which takes account of the following recommendations:”
    • “the European Commission should significantly reduce the complexity of sustainability reporting standards by using comprehensible language and by introducing predefined quantitative KPIs for every single item in question, enabling measurable and comparable standards, especially across companies;”
    • “the Commission should significantly reduce the quantity of the sustainability reporting standards, as for instance the six areas of reporting on environmental factors.”
    • “the Commission should extend implementation for all companies concerned and introduce voluntary, quantitative, measurable and comparable SME standards simultaneously; at the same time, the Commission should ensure that SMEs are not pressured by larger companies to fulfil reporting obligations that should not be required of them under the CSRD and that large companies do not pass on their reporting obligations;”
    • “the Commission should amend not only the balance sheet and net turnover thresholds to account for the impact of inflation in the Accounting Directive for determining the size category of a company but also increase the employment figures for medium-sized enterprises to 500 employees and introduce a mid-cap definition for undertakings with up to 1 500 employees;”


【アシックス】「スポーツスタイルカテゴリーからCFCLとコラボレーションしたモデルを発売 温室効果ガス排出量最少スニーカー「GEL-LYTE III CM 1.95」の新作登場!」

【ASICS】 “Launches a new model in collaboration with CFCL from the Sport Style category, the lowest greenhouse gas emission sneaker “GEL-LYTE III CM 1.95″!”


  • アシックスは、『温室効果ガス(カーボンフットプリント)排出量を市販スニーカーのなかで最も低く抑えたスニーカー「GEL-LYTE III CM 1.95(ゲルライトスリーシーエム1.95)」から、ニットウエアをメインとする日本のアパレルブランド「CFCL」とコラボレーションしたモデル』を発売。独スポーツ用品メーカーアディダスが展開する「ADIZERO X ALLBIRDS 2.94 CO2e」のCO2排出量に対して1㎏弱を削減し、市販スニーカーの中で最も低い温室効果ガス排出量を実現。
  • 『ミッドソール(甲被と靴底の間の中間クッション材)と中敷には、新たに開発したカーボン・ネガティブ・フォーム※3を採用』し、『アッパー(甲被 )と中敷には、環境負荷の低いソリューションダイという技法で染色したリサイクルポリエステルを採用』していると説明。
  • 同社は直近、リサイクル材を使用したシューズではパーツごとのリサイクル率を表示する、5km走ると1本植樹できるプログラムなど消費者にもわかりやすいサステナブリティ推進を実路し、ESG経営とブランディングを融合しつつある。



【NTT DATA】 “Establishing a System for Aggregating GHG Emissions of the NYK Group.”


  • NTTデータと日本郵船は提携し、日本郵船グループ全体のGHG排出量を『網羅的に可視化するために、日本郵船本店および国内外連結子会社約80社のGHG排出量の集計体制を2023年12月までに構築』すると発表。
  • 両社は課題であった『集計体制が整っていないScope-3について、集計対象の選定、集計体制と算定ロジック』について検討し、『既存の集計体制を活用しつつ、Scope-3全体の集計体制を構築し、排出量データを収集・集計』、Scope-1、Scope-2と合算してグループ全体のGHG排出量の可視化を目指す。
  • 温室効果ガス排出ゼロへの目標に向け、日本郵船とNTTデータが協力し、Scope-3を含む排出量の正確な把握と削減に注力し、持続可能なビジネスの実現を追求している。日本郵船は海上輸送の脱炭素化に向けて積極的なスタンスで、直近では、アンモニア・水素・メタノール・バッテリーなどによる船舶のゼロエミッション化、液化水素サプライチェーンの構築、メタン排出削減を掲げる環境イニシアティブへの参画、液化二酸化炭素(CO2)に関する調査を受託などの取り組みがある。



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